California Police Department Lieutenant Explains The Benefits Her Agency Has Seen Since Their Transition To eSOPH

“eSOPH has simplified the organization of our background files and process immensely. Having the ability to access an applicant’s file at any given moment, either on a smart phone or a computer has increased our investigative efficiency. The web-based program allows for the Investigators to have all necessary information at their fingertips while they are in the field or office. The program’s ease of scanning and uploading documents to each categorized folder in an applicant’s file makes locating them a breeze; a nearly paperless system. Additionally, eSOPH’s user-friendly navigation, and its ability to share with POST representatives and other agency background Investigators, saves a tremendous amount of travelling time. The program’s ability to immediately review the status of each applicant, or the workload of any given Investigator, or its ability to create statistical reports has eliminated the need for excel spreadsheets, whiteboard lists or the numerous update-emails and phone calls previously used to manage the Background Unit. I highly recommend eSOPH to any agency whose desire is to eliminate paper and become more organized and time-efficient.”

– Professional Standards Unit Lieutenant, Oceanside California Police Department.

Just how much is eSOPH liked by background investigators? Testimonial from a Santa Ana Police Department Investigator.

“The eSOPH software program has allowed us to remain competitive in hiring quality applicants for our department at a time when many agencies are hiring and vying from the same applicant pool. The efficiency and thoroughness in which this program allows our background investigators to complete backgrounds is outstanding. We are able to receive responses from references, employers, law enforcement agencies and any other required sources sometimes within minutes of sending out the inquiry. The program also allows the background investigator to have the necessary information about the applicant at their fingertips at any time 24/7. This means we carry around a tablet with the essential information not a three-ring binder with paper documents. We have been able to save time once used mailing documents, save money once spent on postage and above all the valuable man hours saved on the background process itself and they have all been made possible because of eSOPH.”

– Background Investigator, Santa Ana California Police Department.

The City of Los Angeles Personnel Department begins pilot program on eSOPH.

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Miller Mendel, Inc. (“MMI”) creates, sells and supports its software technology solutions for local, state and federal public safety agencies. MMI’s primary focus is to turn past practices used by city, county and state government into efficient and cost-effective electronic solutions.

MMI is known for creating category leading systems and providing responsive, exceptional support to all our clients. MMI places great pride in straightforward and transparent operational practices that foster a high level of respect and praise from our government clients.


Miller Mendel Contact:
Tyler Miller

New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation and Miller Mendel work together to bring eSOPH to the New Orleans Police Department.

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Details pending release. Check back soon.


Miller Mendel, Inc. (“MMI”) creates, sells and supports its software technology solutions for local, state and federal public safety agencies. MMI’s primary focus is to turn past practices used by city, county and state government into efficient and cost-effective electronic solutions.

MMI is known for creating category leading systems and providing responsive, exceptional support to all our clients. MMI places great pride in straightforward and transparent operational practices that foster a high level of respect and praise from our government clients.


Miller Mendel Contact:
Tyler Miller

Sheriff’s Office Background Investigations Unit Sergeant shares his agency’s eSOPH success story.

“eSOPH was much easier to deploy into our workflow than we had expected. The system is very intuitive for the average user making the transition quite easy for us. As a supervisor / manager, the benefits with eSOPH are easy to see right away. I have all of the working background files at my fingertips and can run workload and status reports regularly. A traditional background begins after the Personal History Statement has been submitted and various reference mailers are sent out. This is a process that normally takes weeks to accomplish. With eSOPH a background begins as soon as a candidate is entered into the system. We are actually working the file as the candidate is supplying information. The best improvement we have seen since adopting eSOPH is the content of the data being provided electronically by references. In this day and age of computer technology, more people are accustomed to typing on a computer, or a handheld device, and as a result we are getting much greater detail in the feedback we receive about a candidate.”

– Background Investigations Unit Sergeant, Ventura County California Sheriff’s Office.

Milwaukie Police Department Joins Several Other Oregon Agencies in Implementation of Miller Mendel’s eSOPH Background Investigation Software

Milwaukie, OR.   The Milwaukie Police Department recently joined the long list of public safety agencies around the country, including several agencies in Oregon, that have implemented Miller Mendel’s eSOPH, the #1 pre-employment background investigation software.

eSOPH, which stands for electronic Statement of Personal History, has been used by city, county and state police agencies to conduct over 40,000 pre-employment public safety background investigations. It is specifically designed for the public safety pre-employment background investigation process, with public safety agencies using the system estimating a time savings ranging from 30 percent to 60 percent per investigation, and a significant reduction in the use of costly administrative resources such as paper, ink, postage and filing space.

The Milwaukie Police Department expects to process at least 10 pre-employment background investigations over a 12-month period using the time and resource saving eSOPH program. The eSOPH transition project was led by Investigator Stan Grubbs.

eSOPH has created hiring efficiencies for public safety agencies across the western United States. Other agencies in Oregon using eSOPH include the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, the Oregon Department of Corrections, and the Scappoose Police Department.


Known as the Dogwood City of the West, Milwaukie, Oregon is a suburb of Portland situated along the Willamette River. While the majority of the city is in Clackamas County, a small section of the city extends into neighboring Multnomah County. It was settled by the Luelling family in 1847 and is now home to more than 20,000 people.

The Milwaukie Police Department employs 43 staff members, including 36 sworn police positions include officers, detectives, sergeants, captains and a chief. Other specialty assignments include bike patrol, public information officer, crisis negotiations, and K9 unit. Their goal is to “make this community as safe and welcoming as possible for all those who live, work or travel here.”


Miller Mendel, Inc. (“MMI”) creates, sells and supports its software technology solutions for local, state and federal public safety agencies, and is the holder of two patents (U.S. Patent No. 9070098 and U.S. Patent No. 10043188) related to the features of its flagship product, eSOPH. Our primary focus is to turn past practices used by city, county and state government into efficient and cost-effective electronic solutions. MMI is known for creating category leading systems and providing responsive, exceptional support to all our clients. We place great pride in straightforward and transparent operational practices that foster a high level of respect and praise from our government clients.

Miller Mendel Contact:
Tyler Miller

A Large State Correctional Institution Tells their eSOPH Success Story

“The use of eSOPH in our background investigations has greatly increased our speed and efficiency. Prior to eSOPH, countless hours were spent calling references and playing phone tag. Since implementing eSOPH, we have seen an increase in reference responses as references can electronically access the questionnaires and complete it at their own desired time. The background investigators are able to access their applicant’s information at any time either in the field or at the office. Our record retention and data storage is easier than ever and being able to electronically and securely share files with other agencies using eSOPH has been a great benefit as well.”

– Workforce Planning Administrator, Oregon Department of Corrections.

The Boulder Colorado Police Department becomes the second law enforcement agency in Colorado state to transition to eSOPH.

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Details pending release. Check back soon.


Miller Mendel, Inc. (“MMI”) creates, sells and supports its software technology solutions for local, state and federal public safety agencies. MMI’s primary focus is to turn past practices used by city, county and state government into efficient and cost-effective electronic solutions.

MMI is known for creating category leading systems and providing responsive, exceptional support to all our clients. MMI places great pride in straightforward and transparent operational practices that foster a high level of respect and praise from our government clients.


Miller Mendel Contact:
Tyler Miller

Ventura County Sheriff’s Office becomes first county law enforcement agency in California to implement eSOPH.

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Details pending release. Check back soon.


Miller Mendel, Inc. (“MMI”) creates, sells and supports its software technology solutions for local, state and federal public safety agencies. MMI’s primary focus is to turn past practices used by city, county and state government into efficient and cost-effective electronic solutions.

MMI is known for creating category leading systems and providing responsive, exceptional support to all our clients. MMI places great pride in straightforward and transparent operational practices that foster a high level of respect and praise from our government clients.


Miller Mendel Contact:
Tyler Miller

Clark County Washington Sheriff’s Office provides testimonial about their experience with eSOPH.

“Over the last two years eSOPH has provided great options for our background investigations in gathering data and will also allow us to easily share information with other agencies related to applicants. We enjoy the fact that much less paper is processed with the email resources offered on eSOPH. We include a generic release to law enforcement agencies for the applicant to complete with the packet initially. This allows us to respond to other agencies quickly and with less effort. One great benefit is the ability to process the completed backgrounds through Civil Service electronically and expands our options for polygraph and psychological vendors to review the report without printing paper documents; it is so quick and simple. We are excited to see the new upgrades and improvements. Implementation of upgrades for eSOPH has been great and we certainly appreciate the quick help and response for questions or concerns. I am excited for the upgrades since they are well thought out and make eSOPH responsive to the real-world concerns. The recent addition of the Word document as an option has improved our ability to change and communicate easier for documents, letters, etc. We have improved our timeline for completing backgrounds.”

– Senior Human Resources Analyst, Clark County Washington Sheriff’s Office.